Arrival / Dismissal Procedures

School Hours

Pre-Kg, Kg & 1st Grades     8:20 AM to 1:50 PM


2nd To 5th Grades     8:35 AM to 3:05 PM


Everyone Grades Pre-K, Kg, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Wednesday Dismissal For All Grades 1:50 PM /Take Out Early Before 1:20 PM

Student Drop-Off Pick-up

PK & ASD: Drop off and pick up area is on NW 56 Street

K- 5 Grades: Drop off and pick up area is located in front of the school on 21st Avenue.

Rainy Day Dismissal

Students will remain in their classrooms until further instructions are received from the main office. Parent pick up students will wait in the classroom until parents arrive. All walkers will wait in the classroom until the weather clears up. Bus riders will be released as the buses arrives.

Closed Campus

A.S.P./Olinda Elementary believes the safety of our students is paramount. As part of our continuing efforts to provide the utmost security our school is a "closed campus" school. Having a closed campus increases the safety and security of our students. Therefore, Dade County School employees will be the only adults allowed to enter the campus from 7:00 am to 8:35 am. After 8:35 am, any visitors or volunteers will be able to access the campus by showing a license or passport, at our single-point main entry on NW 21st Avenue.